Challenge Exercise | Mechanical

In this exercise, you use what you learned about reusable content to create a block and reuse content.


If completing this exercise with AutoCAD LT, in step 3, you will need to locate the block at …Program FilesAutoCAD LT 2010SampleDesignCenterFasteners - Metric.dwg.



The completed exercise

Completing the Exercise

To complete the exercise, follow the steps in this book or in the onscreen exercise. In the onscreen list of chapters and exercises, click Chapter 10: Working with Reusable Content. Click Challenge Exercise: Mechanical.


  1. Open the drawing you saved from the previous challenge exercise, or open M_MECH-Challenge-CHP10.dwg.
  2. In model space, draw the following border and title block (without the dimensions). Define it as a block with the name Titleblock. Use the lower-left corner of the border as the base point. Note: You will use this block in a later challenge exercise.


  3. Insert the block Hex Flange Screw -10 mm top from the file …Program FilesAutoCAD 2009SampleDesignCenterFasteners - Metric.dwg. Scale it up (Uniform Scale) 1.6 times and position the screws in the top view of the assembly as shown.


  4. Insert, size, and position the block definition Hex Bolt Head (10mm) -side view that exists in this drawing. Scale the block to 1.6 times its original size.


  5. Save and close the drawing.

Chapter Summary

Reusing the data in a drawing file helps you to work more efficiently and maintains consistency in the design data. Making geometry into blocks that behave like a single object encourages the reuse of design geometry. Using DesignCenter and tool palettes makes it easy to organize and locate frequently used design data.

Having completed this chapter, you can:

  • Create a block definition and insert a block definition or file into a drawing to place block references.
  • Use DesignCenter to reuse the data in a drawing.
  • Access tool palettes and use their tools.
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