Challenge Exercise | Mechanical

In this exercise, you use what you have learned in Chapter 2 to create the initial geometry for a small mechanical assembly drawing.

Note: In the following images, the views are closer together than they will appear in your drawing.


The completed exercise

Completing the Exercise

To complete the exercise, follow the steps in this book or in the onscreen exercise. In the onscreen list of chapters and exercises, click Chapter 2: Creating Basic Drawings. Click Challenge Exercise: Mechanical.


  1. Open M_MECH-Challenge-CHP02.dwg.
  2. Locate the point in the drawing labeled Start Point 1. Use the basic drawing commands to sketch the following views. You do not need to place dimensions or create centerlines.

    Note: Some circles are dimensioned with diameter values, others with radius values. Also, each drawing view contains a point you should use as the start point.


  3. Locate the point on the drawing labeled Start Point 2. Use the basic drawing commands to sketch the following views. You do not need to place dimensions or create centerlines.


  4. Erase the Start Point 1 and Start Point 2 text and leaders.
  5. Save and close all files.

Chapter Summary

The concepts and techniques covered in this lesson serve as the building blocks for every drawings that you create. The sooner you master these concepts, the sooner you will be able to move on to more advanced geometry creation and editing.

Having completed this chapter, you can:

  • Identify the default coordinate system and use dynamic input, direct distance, and shortcut menus.
  • Use the Line, Circle, Arc, Erase, Rectangle, and Polygon commands to create and erase geometry in the drawing.
  • Use object snaps to accurately place and create objects in the drawing.
  • Activate and use the Polar Tracking and PolarSnap modes to more accurately create geometry at different angles in the drawing.
  • Enable and use object snap tracking to position geometry in the drawing.
  • Use the Unit command to set up the drawing environment.
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