Exercise | Break Objects

In this exercise, you use the Break and Break at Point commands and change the layer in order to show the hidden parts of the object in two different ways. When you have completed the exercise, you will know the difference between breaking at single points and breaking an object at two points.


The completed exercise

Completing the Exercise

To complete the exercise, follow the steps in this book or in the onscreen exercise. In the onscreen list of chapters and exercises, click Chapter 5 : Altering Objects. Click Exercise: Break Objects.


  1. Open C_Break-Object.dwg.
  2. Zoom in on the part of the drawing shown.


  3. To remove a portion of a line:
    • Start the Break command.
    • Select the outside object as shown.
    • Right-click and click First Point.

      Note: The benefit of using this option is that you can select the object and then precisely select the two break points.


  4. Select the first break point (1). Then select the second point (2).


  5. Zoom out to display your entire drawing. Zoom in to the area shown.


  6. To break the line at a point without removing any of it:
    • Start the Break at Point command.
    • Select the outer object as shown.


  7. Select point (1) to specify the break point.


  8. Break the line again without removing any of it:
    • Start the Break at Point command.
    • Select the outer object again (1).


    • Select the Intersection at point (2) to specify the break point.
  9. Select the line between the two break points to highlight it.


  10. To move this object to the Hidden2 layer:
    • On the Layers panel, click the Layers list.
    • Click the Hidden2 layer to move the selected object to this layer.


  11. Press ESC. Your drawing should look like the following image.


  12. Close all files without saving.
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