Chapter 24. Pentium® Pro Software Enhancements

The Previous Chapter

This chapter provided a brief introduction to the Pentium® Pro processor's hardware design characteristics.

This Chapter

This chapter provides a detailed description of the software enhancements incorporated in the Pentium® Pro processor. This discussion is directly applicable to all subsequent IA32 processors. It includes:

  • PAE-36 Mode.

  • Global Pages.

  • APIC Enhancements.

  • SMM Enhancement.

  • The Memory Type and Range Registers (MTRRs).

  • The MCA.

  • The Performance Counters.

  • The MSRs.

  • Instruction Set Changes.

  • New/Altered Exceptions.

The Next Chapter

This chapter provides a detailed description of the Microcode Update feature (also referred to as the BIO Update feature). This discussion is directly applicable to all subsequent IA32 processors.

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