The Response Phase Signal Group

The following signals are used in the Response Phase:

  • RS[2:0]#. The Response Bus. This 3-bit bus is used to deliver the response to the Request Agent.

  • RSP#. The Response Bus parity bit. This is the parity signal that covers RS[2:0]#. It is an even parity signal that is driven low or high to force an even number of electrical lows in the overall 4-bit pattern that includes RS[2:0]# and RSP#.

  • TRDY# (Target Ready). TRDY# is only asserted by the Response Agent if data is to be written to it by either the Request Agent, a Snoop Agent (i.e., there will be an implicit writeback of a modified line due to the assertion of HITM#), or both. The assertion of TRDY# indicates the Response Agent's readiness to accept the write data.

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