Chapter 15. Virtual 8086 Mode

The Previous Chapter

This chapter provided a detailed description of all of the various types of interrupts and exceptions. A detailed description of the Local and IO APICs can be found in “The Local and IO APICs” on page 1497.

This Chapter

This chapter provides a detailed description Virtual 8086 Mode (VM86 Mode). This description is directly applicable to all subsequent IA32 processors. VM86 Mode was enhanced starting with the advent of the Pentium® processor and a detailed description of those enhancements can be found in “VM86 Extensions” on page 490.

The Next Chapter

This chapter provides a detailed description of the Debug register set. This description is directly applicable to all subsequent IA32 processors. This feature was enhanced starting with the advent of the Pentium® processor and a detailed description of the enhancement can be found in “Debug Extension” on page 497.

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