The Debug Store (DS) Mechanism


If enabled, the Debug Store mechanism permits the processor to automatically store branch (Branch Trace Store, or BTS) and PEBS records in a memory buffer referred to as the DS save area.

A detailed description of the PEBS feature can be found in “Precise Event-Based Sampling” on page 1414.

The DS mechanism is available in Real Mode.

Feature Detection

The programmer can determine if a processor supports the DS feature by executing a CPUID request type 1 and verifying that EDX[21] =1. Assuming that the bit is set to one, the programmer must also check the following two bits:

  • IA32_MISC_Enable[12] (see Figure 56-21 on page 1373) indicates whether or not a processor supports the PEBS feature.

  • IA32_MISC_Enable[11] (see Figure 56-21 on page 1373) indicates whether or not a processor supports the BTS feature.

Setting Up the DS Feature

Before either the PEBS or BTS features are enabled, the programmer must first create the DS save area in memory (see Figure 56-18 on page 1369 and Table 56-4 on page 1367). The DS save area is divided into three parts:

  • The buffer management area defines the location and size of the BTS and PEBS buffers.

  • The Branch Trace Store (BTS) buffer.

  • The PEBS buffer.

Table 56-4. The DS Buffer Management Area Format
BTS buffer baseThe dword-aligned linear address of the first byte of the BTS buffer.
BTS IndexThe linear address of the first byte of the next BTS record to be written. Initially, this address should = the BTS buffer base.
BTS absolute maximumThe linear address of the first byte past the end of the BTS buffer. The address must be a multiple of 12d, the size of a BTS record size, plus 1.
BTS interrupt thresholdThe linear address of the BTS record on which an interrupt is to be generated (due to an approaching buffer full condition):
  • The address must point to an offset from the BTS buffer base that is a multiple of the BTS record size (which is 40 bytes).

  • It must also be several records short of the BTS absolute maximum address to allow a pending interrupt to be handled prior to the processor writing the BTS absolute maximum record.

PEBS buffer baseThe dword-aligned linear address of the first byte of the PEBS buffer.
PEBS indexThe linear address of the first byte of the next PEBS record to be written. Initially, this address should = the PEBS buffer base.
PEBS absolute maximumThe linear address of the end of the PEBS buffer + 1. This address should be a multiple of the PEBS record size (40 bytes) plus 1.
PEBS interrupt thresholdThe linear address of the PEBS record on which an interrupt is to be generated:
  • The address must point to an offset from the PEBS buffer base that is a multiple of the PEBS record size (12 bytes).

  • It must also be several records short of the PEBS absolute maximum address to allow a pending interrupt to be handled prior to the processor writing the PEBS absolute maximum record.

PEBS counter reset valueA 40-bit value that the Performance Counter is to be reset to after the PEBS record has been written to the PEBS buffer (after a counter overflow occurred).

Figure 56-18. The DS Save Area Format

After setting up the buffer management area, the programmer may then safely enable the PEBS and/or BTS features.

Enabling the BTS Feature

The BTS feature is enabled by setting DEBUGCTL[BTS] (see Figure 54-4 on page 1311) = 1. Note that prior to enabling this feature, the DS feature must first be set up (see “Setting Up the DS Feature” on page 1367).

Enabling the PEBS Feature

The PEBS feature is enabled by setting IA32_PEBS_Enable[24] = 1 (see “Enabling PEBS” on page 1415 and Figure 56-26 on page 1417).

The PEBS Record Format

Each PEBS record consists of 40 bytes structured as shown in Figure 56-19 on page 1370.

Figure 56-19. The PEBS Record Format

The BTS Record Format

Each BTS record consists of 12 bytes structured as shown in Figure 56-20 on page 1371.

Figure 56-20. The BTS Record Format

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