The L1 Caches

L1 Code Cache Characteristics

The characteristics of the Pentium® III's L1 Code Cache are:

  • It is 16KB in size.

  • It is implemented as a 4-way set-associative cache.

  • The cache line size is 32 bytes.

  • It implements an SI subset of the MESI coherency protocol.

L1 Data Cache Characteristics

The characteristics of the Pentium® III's L1 Data Cache are:

  • It is 16KB in size.

  • It is implemented as a 4-way set-associative cache.

  • Each cache bank is subdivided into two subbanks.

  • The cache line size is 32 bytes.

  • It implemented the full MESI coherency protocol.

  • It was a non-blocking cache.

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