BNR# Behavior at Powerup

Figure 48-7 on page 1198 illustrates the behavior of BNR# during and immediately after the assertion of reset.

  1. If BNR# was asserted before the assertion of reset, it must be deasserted within one clock after reset is sampled asserted. In addition, all Request Agents must reset their Stalled/Throttled/Free indicators to the Stalled state.

  2. The first BNR# sample point is two clocks after reset is sampled deasserted. If it is sampled asserted, all Request Agents must remain in the Stalled state.

  3. When asserted, BNR# must remain asserted for only one clock.

  4. When Request Agents are in the Stalled state, they sample BNR# every two clocks.

  5. On clock 12, BNR# is sampled deasserted and all Request Agents change to the throttled state one clock later (clock 13). This permits the Request Agent that is the winner of the first arbitration to issue one transaction request (in clock 13).

  6. BNR# is sampled every two clocks when in the throttled state. It is sampled deasserted for a second time on clock 14, causing all Request Agents to transition to the Free state one clock later (in clock 15).

  7. As the agents transition to the Free state, they begin sampling BNR# two clocks after ADS# is asserted by any agent.

Figure 48-7. BNR# at Powerup or After Reset

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