Chapter 49. Pentium® 4 FSB Request Phase

The Previous Chapter

This chapter described the mechanism that permits FSB agents to limit the number of transactions that can be injected into the FSB. It included:

  • Assert BNR# When One Entry Remains.

  • BNR# Can Be Used by a Debug Tool.

  • Who Monitors BNR#.

  • BNR# is a Shared Signal.

  • The Stalled/Throttled/Free Indicator.

  • Initial Entry to the Stalled State.

  • The Throttled State.

  • The Free State.

  • As an Agent Approaches Full, It Signals BNR# to Stall Everyone.

  • BNR# Behavior at Powerup.

  • BNR# Behavior During Runtime.

This Chapter

This chapters provides a detailed description of the Request Phase of a FSB transaction. It includes:

  • Introduction to the Request Phase.

  • The Source Synchronous Strobes.

  • The Request Phase Parity.

  • Request Phase Parity Checking.

  • ChipSet Request Phase Parity Checking and Reporting.

  • Processor Request Phase Parity Checking and Reporting.

  • The Request Phase Signal Group is Multiplexed.

  • Introduction to the Transaction Types.

  • The Contents of Request Packet A.

  • 32-bit vs. 36-bit Addresses.

  • The Contents of Request Packet B.

The Next Chapter

This chapter provides a detailed description of the Snoop Phase of a FSB transaction. It includes:

  • Agents Involved in the Snoop Phase.

  • The Snoop Phase Has Two Purposes.

  • The Snoop Result Signals are Shared, DEFER# Isn't.

  • The Snoop Phase Duration Is Variable.

  • There Is No Snoop Stall Duration Limit.

  • Memory Transaction Snooping.

  • The Snoop's Effects on Processor Caches.

  • Self-Snooping.

  • Non-Memory Transactions Have a Snoop Phase.

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