
Find and Change a Missing Font?


By default, any type that is using a missing font will be highlighted in pink in your document. If you open up a document and find there is a font missing—maybe you don’t have it installed yet or it’s not activated—you can quickly find or change it. Select the highlighted type and go to Type > Find Font. The Find Font dialog will show you all the fonts in your document and there will be a small warning triangle next to the problem font. To replace the missing font, just go down to the Replace With section and select a new Font Family and Font Style from the respective popup menus. Then click on Change All.

If you have a Creative Cloud account, you may find that when you open a document, a dialog will automatically appear warning you of an unactivated font, and you have the option to tell CC to activate it. If you miss this, just log into your Adobe Fonts account and activate the missing font. This will automatically update the document.

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