
Create a Rectangle with Rounded Corners?


When you draw out a square or rectangle shape, sometimes it’s nice to have rounded corners. The control used to create rounded corners is one of those that is right there in front of you, but unless someone shows it to you, you don’t realize it’s there. We’ve used it in a previous tip for corner options, but here I’ll show you how to use it to make nice rounded corners, and how to use it on independent corners as well. First draw out your shape, and then choose the Selection Tool (V) from the Toolbar. You’ll see a little yellow square appear on the right side of the frame, near the top-right corner. Click once on the yellow square, and it will turn into a diamond and jump to the corner of the frame. You’ll also see yellow diamonds appear on the other three corners of the frame. Now you can drag any of those yellow diamonds left or right to increase or decrease the roundness of the corners. If you press-and-hold the Option (PC: Alt) key and click on any of the corner diamonds, you can change the corner style by rotating through the available options one by one. You can then drag the yellow diamond in or out to adjust the effect. To alter only one corner at a time, press-and-hold the Shift key as you drag the diamond for that corner in or out. Press-and-hold Option-Shift (PC: Alt-Shift) and click on a corner to change the style of only that corner.

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