
Save a Document as a Template?


You can make your own templates or download them from Adobe Stock. Your template might include items such as ruler guides, page numbers, mastheads, text panels, and styles you want to use for each issue of a newsletter, for example. If you create a document and wish to save it as a template, there’s a quick shortcut: when saving, just add the letter “t” to the end of the file extension (i.e., .indd becomes .inddt). Alternatively, you can go to File > Save As and select InDesign CC 2019 Template from the Format (PC: Save as Type) pop-up menu. This means the file is saved as a template, and the next time you open that file it will force you to save it as something else so that you don’t accidentally write over a file you wish to use again and again. To open a template you have downloaded or saved, go to File > New > Document and click on Saved at the top of the New Document dialog, and any templates you have saved will be shown. You can also go to File > Open and browse for saved templates on your computer.

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