
Find Extra Hidden Stroke Options (Cool Easter Egg #2)?


The Strokes panel in InDesign allows you to control and define the kinds of strokes available to you. There are some extra strokes available, but they are not easily seen—you have to create them using a little Easter-egg tomfoolery. Here’s how:

  • Open the Stroke panel (Window > Stroke).
  • Open the panel menu (top-right corner of the panel) and select Stroke Styles.
  • Click on New to open the New Stroke Style dialog. This is where we can start enabling some hidden stroke styles.
  • First, set the Type to Dash.
  • Now you can create stroke styles called Feet, Happy, Lights, or Woof, just by typing those words into the Name field. You don’t need to change any of the stroke settings—just name them, with the correct spelling, and click OK. You can also create Rainbow or Rasta stripes by changing the Type to Stripe and typing in Rainbow or Rasta.
  • Click OK again to close the Stroke Styles dialog, and your new stroke styles will now be listed in the Stroke panel’s Type pop-up menu.

Now you’ve created your new strokes, and you can test them out by applying them to some of your shapes. Change the stroke size to make the design more visible.

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