
Resize My Text Quickly?


When it comes to quickly resizing your type, you can use an easy shortcut to save yourself from having to adjust a menu in the Properties panel or Character panel over and over again. To increase the size of your type by 2 points, highlight the text and press Command-Shift-> (PC: Ctrl-Shift->). Keep pressing the arrow key to keep increasing the size. This is perfect for making those quick adjustments. To make your highlighted type shrink by 2 points, press Command-Shift-< (PC: Ctrl-Shift-<). What if you want to work with even larger increments? You may want to jump 4 points, 6 points, 8 points, or even 10 points every time you use this shortcut. If you want to super-size your text, go to InDesign (PC: Edit) > Preferences > Units & Increments. In the Keyboard Increments section you’ll see that Size/Leading is currently set to 2 pt, which is the default amount. Enter 4, 6, 8, 10, or higher to increase/decrease your text size in larger increments when using this shortcut. Just remember to switch it back to 2 when you don’t need gigantic text.

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