
Find Hex Code for Colors?


To find and select a hexadecimal color code, open the Color Picker dialog (click on the Fill icon in the Toolbar, Color panel, or Control panel) and make sure the RGB fields are selected. Now, click-and-hold on the eyedropper tool in the bottom-right corner of the dialog, and drag it over any area on the screen. The hex color value from that area will be displayed in the field next to the eyedropper in the Color Picker dialog. When you’re satisfied with your selection, release your mouse. Click on Add RGB Swatch to add the color swatch to your Swatches panel. Previously, the hex value edit field was available only in the Color Picker dialog and the New Color Swatch dialog in RGB color mode. In CC2018 and all subsequent versions, however, the hex value edit field is also available in the Color panel when the RGB sliders are displayed. This is so useful when you want to view or add hex values in your document.

What is a hex code? Without going deep into its complete meaning, you will recognize hex codes if you’re working with web graphics. You’ll often see a color value of, say, #000000 for black and #ffffff for white. You can find more information on hex values on the internet.

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