
Fill Text with an Image (Part 1)?


In this example, once you fill your text with an image, the text will no longer be editable, so you’ll need to start by making sure that your type is set and sized correctly on the page. (For this example, I’m using the word “CAMERA” in ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro from Typekit.) Now click on the text frame with the Selection Tool (V), and go to Type > Create Outlines, which converts the letters into shapes. To place your image into the text, select the text frame once more, go to File > Place, choose your image, and click Open. If you want to reposition the image within the text, just double-click anywhere on the image to select it. You can then move the image with the arrow keys on your keyboard or with your cursor. When you’re satisfied with the result, just click outside the frame. Because this is now a bunch of shapes, you can distort the text by selecting different points on each letter with the Direct Selection Tool (A), and then dragging them out or using the arrow keys to adjust the lengths. You can also add a stroke to the text, even though you can’t edit it.

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