
Save a Document as a Digital-Format PDF?


You know all that stuff we just did in the previous tip? That’s for a print document. You can also create PDFs for digital output so they can be viewed and read online and include clickable links. This time you need to go to File > Export, and in the Save As dialog, open the Format (PC: Save as Type) menu and choose Adobe PDF (Interactive). This will give you the Export to Interactive PDF dialog, which has a much simpler layout than the one in the previous tip. Here you can decide how many pages of your document you wish to export (if it’s a multi-page document), and whether you want it to export as individual pages or as spreads, like in a magazine with facing pages. You also have some Viewing options. Once you become a bit of an expert, you’ll use more of these settings, but for now we’ll stick to Default for both the View and Layout settings. There are also Page Transition options—we’ll leave this menu as is for now, but I suggest experimenting with these options later to find one that suits your needs. Click Export, and you’ve saved an interactive PDF. Here’s something to think about: it’s only really interactive if you give it some interactive elements, such as hyperlinked URLs or a call to action, such as “Click to email.”

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