
Create and Save Custom Document Presets (Using the “Start” Workspace)?


If you plan to use a specific document setup over and over again, it makes life easier to save that setup as a preset so you don’t have to adjust all the settings every time. To create a preset, start by going to File > New > Document. On the right side of the New Document dialog, enter your document requirements. In the image above, I went for an A4 document (210mm × 297mm) with the following settings: Portrait Orientation, 6 Pages, Facing Pages, 6 Columns, 3mm Column Gutter, 10mm Margins, and 3mm Bleed. Once you’ve entered your settings, click on the little icon in the top-right corner of the dialog (circled above), next to where you add the document name. This allows you to save your settings as a Document Preset. Now give the Document Preset a name so it’s easy to find again, and then click Save Preset. This particular document setup will now be available in your Saved items in the New Document dialog.

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