
Turn Off Automatic Hyphenation?


Automatic hyphenation is one of those things that drives me nuts until I remember to turn it off. You can turn it off while you’re working on a document, but I think it’s better to turn it off before you start a new document because that way it’ll stay off. If you’ve already started working on your document, highlight all of your text by pressing Command-A (PC: Ctrl-A) (assuming you are getting hyphenation), and then go over to the far right side of the Control panel and click on the icon with three horizontal lines, sometimes referred to as “the burger,” directly below the little gear icon. Select Hyphenation from the pop-up menu to open the Hyphenation Settings dialog. Uncheck the Hyphenation checkbox at the top of the dialog to turn this feature off. If you want to leave it turned on, you can use the settings in this dialog to control how it is applied. I don’t use hyphenation in most of the work I do (aside from this book, natch), but the option is there for those who need it!

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