
Add an Image from My Document to a Library?


It’s really simple to add an image you have already placed into your document to your library. Make sure the library to which you want to add the image is selected in the CC Libraries panel, and then simply drag the image off your page onto the panel. A plus sign will appear in the panel, indicating that you are adding an element. Alternatively, you can click on the image in your document to select it, and then click on the small + sign in the bottom-left corner of the CC Libraries panel. Click on the pop-up Graphic button, and your image is added to the library. Now, there are a couple of things to consider when using these methods. You’ll be saving the image exactly as it appears in your document, along with any amendments you’ve made to it. For example, if you resize the frame and add a stroke, that’s what gets saved when you drag the frame into the CC Libraries panel. If you want to add just the image, untouched, click in the middle “donut” ring of the image (with the default settings, the frame of the whole image will be brown), and you can now drag the image into the CC Libraries panel, or use the + Graphic option, to add the image to your library without any amendments.

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