
Leave a Shared Library?


If you receive an invite to a library, but for some reason you don’t need access to it, or if you accept an invite but no longer want access to it, then you can decline the invite or leave the shared library. To decline, just hit Decline instead of Accept on the Updates and Requests notification, and that’s the end of that. To leave a shared library that you’ve already accepted, open the library pop-up menu at the top of the CC Libraries panel and select the library you want to leave. Then open the panel menu and choose Leave[library name].” (Note: If you have Edit rights for the library, you can also choose to rename the library from this menu, but if Rename is grayed out, as in the example above, it means you only have View access.) You can also leave a shared library from the Adobe Creative Cloud web page. Once you’re logged in, click on Shared with You, put a check mark in the box for the library you want to leave, and click on Leave in the upper-right corner of the web page.

Note: You can’t delete a library folder that you don’t own (one that’s been shared with you); you can only leave it. If you created the library and shared it with someone else, then you can delete it.

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