
Find Cool Easter Eggs #1: Alien Invasion (Fun)?


This is a fun one, and it serves no purpose other than to inform you that this exists and looks very 1990s clipart-ish. To see our title alien visitor in InDesign just do the following (you will never get these minutes back in your life, I warn you now!):

  • Go to File > Print Presets > Define.
  • Click on New to open the New Print Preset dialog and type Friendly Alien into the Name field (you can ignore the actual preset settings; they aren’t important).
  • Click OK to save your preset, and click OK again to close the Print Presets dialog.
  • Now open or create a new blank document and go to File > Print, and then change the Print Preset at the top of the dialog to Friendly Alien.
  • Click on the large P in the print preview window in the Print dialog, and there’s your alien (and those lost minutes I mentioned).
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